Continuing the series on the content of various Club Duties.
Ensure you arrive by  6pm or earlier if possible. Setup the top table with the
lectern,  annual theme banner, Foundation Tankard, Sergeants‘  handles, bell and
hammer.  Put the wheeled  Information Board out in a visible position. Liaise with
the person on Door Duty and put out place names. After the meeting, collect the
place names, take all Rotary items from the top table and put away. Make sure
there is no Rotary  gear left on any of the tables.
Door Duty
Make sure you arrive by 5.45 pm or earlier if possible. Collect the black case
from the Manager. Have the Visitors‘  Book  open at the correct page. Register
members  as they arrive, recording attendance and the amount paid (if not pre-
paid)  and have name tags available. Note whether guests or visitors are paying
or non-paying. All guests to sign Visitors’ Book. Ensure member on ‘Visitor
Host’ takes over fellowship. Guest Speaker to be introduced to member on
‘Guest Introduction‘ duties. Make-Up Cards - All visiting Rotarians are to receive a
Make—Up card  (requested or not). Ask them to fill in their details,  add our Club
name,  date and sign it. At the close of the meeting add up meal money  and
check total balances with number attending. Write amount in space provided
and sign. Put other monies in allocated bags. The Treasurer will collect the
black case.
If at any time you are unsure of any duty aspect,  please do not hesitate to ask
one of the Directors!
An enjoyable meeting is one which runs smoothly with all duties  efficiently