The duties roster below has been updated to cover the period 9 Feb to 2 March. There has been one change to the list for 16 Feb: Keith Cullen has replaced Keith Thompson. Apologies to both from ‘The Trainee’. The numbers of available club members means that you can expect a duty about once a month so do not be surprised if you keep seeing your name in print!
With some new members it is timely to remind us all of the general nature of each of the duties. A couple each bulletin should not over tax you too much!
Mini Talk
Speak on any subject for three minutes.  Do not talk for longer as this is embarrassing to the President and the Guest Speaker who is the meeting’s main Speaker.  If your chosen topic requires more time, see the person nominated to organize the Guest Speakers for a main speaker slot.
Arrive with enough time before the meal to sell tickets to all members. The
price is $1 per ticket. Proceeds go to our administration account. Prepare ticket
butts  for the draw.  Select a suitable person to draw the winning ticket. Give
ticket to President.  Advise the Secretary if the number of raffle books is getting